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See Last Year's Pictures!
Check out the MAP 2009 pictures!


It's Monroe-A-Palooza week! Get charged up with these forum threads! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Who is Coming and The Map have received minor updates.


People are chiming in that they are coming! Be part of the experience!


The dates are locked in! Let us know you're coming!


We have a tentative date for this year's show! Monroeworld has also been dragged kicking and screaming into the social network club. Be sure to follow us for the latest news!


Welcome to our new home at Palooza.Monroeworld.com! Keep your eyes open for MAP 2010 news in the coming months!


Well folks, the Eve of Monroe-A-Palooza is upon us! As you can see, we've added ways to let you watch what we are up to, even if you cannot make it.

Troy arrived last night, and he and I started off the Early EARLY fun with a butt-load of Wii gaming including Wii Sports Resort and ExciteBots. Most of the gang starts arriving today at noon, and the Early Bird meet and greet and such happens today along with the VIP ArcadeNut Pizza and Arcade party tonight.

Check the schedule of events to see where we might show up in Phoenix today (Frys, Bookmans). You won't be able to miss us geeks :)


Time to let the cat out of the bag! Local arcade collector Todd Ellering has GENEROUSLY offered to allow Monroe-A-Palooza guests to visit his personal arcade Saturday night. This place is nothing short of INCREDIBLE. See pictures here! Anyone else DROOOOOOLING??? Here is a list of games that will be playable at the arcade:

Black Widow
Space Duel
Star Castle

Playchoice 10
Root Beer Tapper
Satans Hollow
Bump and Jump

Marble Madness
Road Runner
Indiana Jones
Return of the Jedi
Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters
Galage 88
Pac Mania
Crystal Castles
Dig Dug

Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong II
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Jr.
VS Golf
Mario Bros

Moon Patrol

RoboTron 2084

Zoo Keeper
Elevator Action
Front Line
Lost Tomb

Track and Field
Dragon's Lair 25th Anniv.
Karate Champ
Ghosts and Goblins
Forgotten Worlds
Space Invaders
Wizard of Wor

Jr. Pac Man
Super Pac Man
Pac Land
Neo Geo
Street Fighter II
Golden Axe II

Baby Pac
Star Trek Cockpit (Out of Order)
Environmental Discs of Tron

Star Wars Episode I Pinball
Super Mario Bros Pinball
Stargate Pinball
Jack Bot Pinball
Space Invaders Pinball
Indiana Jones Pinball
Star Trek TNG Pinball
Twilight Zone Pinball
Scared Stiff Pinball
Creature from the Black Lagoon Pinball
Cirqus Voltaire Pinball


The tentative Schedule of Events has been posted!


I'm sorry to say that Don Bluth had to cancel. I'm going to work on getting some signed merchandise to give away at the show as a follow up. :( Sorry everyone!


Updated Who is Coming page

Updated the Prizes page

My God ... Flare is coming! This is going to be the best MAP yet! More people are trickling in too! Sign up now!


Updated Who is Coming page

Updated the Prizes page

It's getting closer! We're getting quite a crew together ... (Flare? Where are you??!!)


It's not 100% confirmed yet, but the great animator and one of the Dragon's Lair team - the brilliant Don Bluth has given a nod to visit us at Monroe-A-Palooza! More details as I get them ...


The date and venue are LOCKED IN. NOW is the time to book airfare and I need to know if you need a room. Remember, the more people that stay at the hotel, the less we pay for the venue!

There is a new forum post for 2009.


We are in the planning stages of this year's event. The August 29th date is still tentative, but it's ALMOST a sure thing. If you are in a hurry to buy tickets for travel, make sure you can reschedule them in the event of a change. We'll nail it down in the next couple of weeks.

Keep an eye on the site for changes!


Well, the event is over! Until the page is properly updated, check out:

Wii Minute Radio's Coverage - Photos - Videos
Shane's Pictures
Video of Troy playing the excellent Deluxe Galaga in widescreen!


Tick Tock! If you need a room, please contact me before July 22nd and give me your full name and what day(s) you're staying.

MANY PAGES HAVE BEEN UPDATED! Poke through them and try our new Map to see what's going on and where!

Keep an eye on the Schedule of Events for more information each day!


It's not too late to come! Register - let us know if you need a room. As it stands, we may have to cut a day if we don't get more registrations. :(

Register as soon as possible. If your name doesn't show up on the list in 24 hours, resubmit.

Brien King (ArcadeNut) is looking to sponsor a BBQ for the meal Friday night. More details will follow. The best part is - Brien King's arcade room!

Get a Ten Day Forecast to see what it will be like here!


Registering for a room is now done during Event sign up. I'll be contacting everyone else by email about a room (those that have already registered). Thanks!


Event Registration is now open! I urge EVERYONE to sign up RIGHT AWAY!


The venue is secured. Check the other areas of the website here for more details. You will need to pre-register for both the event and the hotel deals via this site (as I get the tools done to do so). Now that things are solidified, this page should be updated a lot more!


Everyone has asked for an update, so while there is nothing set in stone, I wanted to let everyone know what was going on.

Right now I'm still searching for the right venue. There are TONS of considerations to be thought about and I want what's best for everyone. My original goal was to find a way to do it where there is a no-fee type scenario - basically just GET here and we'll have a blast. As it stands, the "free" venues aren't looking entirely practical. Those that may be possibilities aren't geographically sound - I mean, if it costs $10 in gas to get to and from the event from the airport but no entry fee - or it costs $10 for an entry fee and you don't even need to rent a car while you're here ... we'll you get the idea.

Based on preliminary numbers, it's looking like a $10 a head type thing. Believe me, it will be nothing outrageous and every penny will go into the venue, treats, whatever.

Another deciding factor will be the number of attendees that commit to coming. The more we have, the less we'll need from each person to cover the fees for the space.

I am hoping in the next week - possibly TWO - we'll have an answer for you. We have a couple of great leads right now that wiill give us discounted room rates, be a free shuttle ride from the airport, etc.

Keep an eye on this space!


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